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Our Mission

At ignea, our mission is to ignite transformative leadership and innovative teamwork that together foster sustainable growth and create lasting impact.


We commit to empowering individuals and teams through comprehensive development programs that intertwine personal excellence with a steadfast commitment to environmental stewardship.


By integrating cutting-edge strategies with timeless values, we strive to equip leaders and organisations to not only succeed in their fields but to redefine them, ensuring they contribute positively to their communities and the planet.


Our dedication to daring boldly, caring deeply, and thriving sustainably drives us to continually evolve and inspire, making Ignea a beacon of progressive change in a world that demands nothing less.

ignea | vital growth mission

Michel Heitzmann - founder of ignea

Michel Heitzmann chilling with Roxy

Welcome to ignea, where leadership transformation and sustainability converge to redefine excellence.


I'm Michel Heitzmann, the founder of ignea. My journey began in the picturesque landscapes of Switzerland, where the beauty of nature instilled in me a deep respect for our planet. This respect was further solidified during my extensive travels and professional experiences across over 25 countries, culminating in a pivotal moment in Novosibirsk, Siberia.

There, in a supermarket aisle, I was struck by the sight of French-branded bottled water—an emblem of our globalized world's vast carbon footprint. This moment crystallized my resolve to make a difference. It was clear to me that true leadership must integrate a commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship.


My career has been a tapestry of rich experiences, from my formative years at Columbia University, INSEAD, and IMD, to my time as a senior executive and a consultant at McKinsey & Co. These roles took me through the vibrant cultures of South America and the strategic landscapes of corporate boardrooms worldwide. Each step along this path reinforced my belief in the power of meaningful leadership.


In 2023, I founded ignea with a mission: to ignite transformative leadership and foster innovative teamwork that drives sustainable growth. Our bespoke Vital Growth Programs are designed not just to refine leadership skills but to weave sustainability practices into the very fabric of organizational culture. At ignea, we believe that the key to lasting success lies in daring boldly, caring deeply, and thriving sustainably.

As a co-founder of the Swiss Climate Coaching Alliance and a member of the International Coaching Federation, my commitment is to nurture and empower leaders who aspire to make a significant impact. Together with my team of seasoned coaches and executives, we offer a wealth of knowledge and a proven track record in leadership development and organisational transformation.


We are here to guide you on a journey of growth and discovery, helping you unlock your true potential and achieve exceptional results. Join us at ignea, and let's create a legacy of leadership that honors our planet and inspires future generations.

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Our Vital Growth staff

At ignea, we are proud to offer an unparalleled depth of expertise and experience in leadership development and organizational transformation. Our programme teams are composed of a diverse pool of CxOs and seasoned coaches, each bringing a wealth of knowledge and a proven track record from various industries.


Our coaches and executives are hand-picked for their extensive experience and demonstrated success in their respective fields. They include certified coaches, former CEOs, CFOs, CTOs, and other C-level executives who have led major corporations through transformative changes and significant growth phases.


We understand that every organization has unique challenges and needs. That's why we meticulously match the skills and experiences of our coaches and CxOs to the specific requirements of your project. Whether you are seeking strategic redirection, cultural change, or innovation in sustainability practices, our team is equipped to guide you.


Commitment to Excellence: Our team members are not only leaders in their fields but also committed educators who believe in the power of mentorship and development. They are dedicated to sharing their insights and expertise, helping your leadership teams to excel and drive your organization forward.


To empower your organization with cutting-edge leadership strategies and insights from top-tier executives. We aim to foster sustainable growth and significant transformation by pairing your team with our best-in-class coaches and CxOs.


Explore how you can bring about transformative change to your organization with the support of our elite professionals. Join us in redefining leadership and achieving exceptional results.

Contact Us

ignea ltd

Chemin Fin d'Enhaut 25

1269 Bassins


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